Ty Cannon Personal Training

Ty Cannon Health and Lifestyle Coaching

Upcoming Events

Join us for a Free ReJuven8 Healthy Lunch & Learn session coming soon (date to be announced)! This crucial talk delves into the essential components of the “Health 2 Wealth process.” Rest assured,

I’m committed to delivering real, actionable insights that you can apply right away. Don’t miss out—reserve your spot now by clicking the link!

Warrior Flow: Become the calm in the eye of the storm.

Warrior Flow offers a dynamic fusion of yoga and martial arts, delivering a holistic fitness regimen. This class intertwines yoga’s fluidity with martial arts’ vigor, creating an engaging workout. Participants experience a blend of poses and movements from both practices, enhancing flexibility, balance, strength, and self-defense skills. With seamless transitions, breathwork, and meditation, all levels can participate and grow.

Beyond physical gains, the class emphasizes mental and spiritual development, promoting inner peace and self-discovery.

In the middle of chaos lies opportunity 

          -Bruce Lee

Our Services

The New Fitness Trend Among High-Income Earners

Forget what you know about fitness. There’s a seismic shift happening in the health world, and those in the know are moving away from trendy bikes and onto the mat – the martial arts mat, that is.

In a world where high-intensity interval training and spinning classes dominate, a select group is turning back the clock to embrace an ancient tradition. They are finding their edge not with smart gadgets and wearables, but within the disciplined halls of martial arts dojos. This isn’t about breaking a sweat; it’s about breaking the mold while building your bank account.



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